Pet Pig
(Not ours)
Turns out that yesterday's attempt to fix the plastic bit that has been trying to fall off the bottom of the car for a few days was unsuccessful. I thought I was being so smart (took one of the clips that hold in the engine cover and jammed that in one of the holes) but turns out that did not hold. Neither did the duck tape I liberally applied this morning.
Regardless, a long slow trip through our fair-laden town (the fair is not until the weekend, but all car-parks have been off limits to normal shopping members of the public since Monday - I had to buy bread in a supermarket. Sheesh, imagine the shame.) Anyway, long blablabla trip to take CarbBoy to see a pal, then a dash round the backroads so as not to be too late for my meeting at the school ... where inevitably we moved not one step forward and I was left wishing I could record all my conversations so I could just hit play at the appropriate moment instead of having to preface every statement with "As I mentioned last time we discussed this..."
Anyway, home to handle a couple of quick things for the boss, then off with TallGirl to see if GarageMan could do better with the underside of my car. He could, and he did. And then said I didn't have to pay (though I gave the guy who actually did the work something, particularly since he reversed the car out of the lifting mechanism thing for me).
Then off to collect CarbBoy and hang out a bit up there. The pig was an impulse decision for them at the market (I have said 'no pigs' to TallGirl every time she comes to the market with me ever since we moved here) and though she is super-cute, I still don't want one. (CarbBoy-sized hand included for scale.)
Home for pizza and more Veronica Mars. And yet again I somehow didn't get to the ironing, and didn't call my folks. Turns out I stop looking at my jobs list at 8pm.
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