Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens


Rowan having photos and moulds taken of his teeth in preparation for braces...he's looking slightly worried here! I just wanted to laugh as his mouth was being stretched and pulled so that pictures could be taken.

Next stop was the barbers for Rowan to have his return to school trim! We then went to the school uniform shop as Rowan and Jed's school has a new headmaster who has decided on a new uniform....seeing as Jed will be in Year 10 and Rowan in Year 9, it's a little frustrating to have to fork out for uniforms! Over £100 just for blazers and ties. The local shop had sold out of the blazers too so we had to go into Bolton to another school outfitters...they had the blazers thankfully. Rowan's verdict on Bolton is that "it's a bit grim - full of old people and people smoking"!!

In the afternoon, Brian and I took Desmond to the vets. Desmond had been slowly going down hill in the past few months. He was very thin with Queen Anne legs and had kidney problems. He still enjoyed going outside and eating. My neighbour, Jean, always gave him meaty treats and Desmond spent almost all day waiting at her back door for food...he would never eat the food until she had placed it down for him and gone back inside. Then he'd return home and cry for food and treats before settling down for the evening in the biggest dog basket! The vet said it was probably time to let him go. He was 19 years old. He went peacefully and I couldn't have asked for more. RIP Desmond xx Best cat ever xx

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