At home: Tiger returned! Thankyou!
Tiger was returned this morning at 10am. I have to confess I was beginning to fear the worst. After a rather sad conversation with the game keeper. I assumed that he had met his end. With this in mind, I made a phone call, speaking of my sadness that such a fine, beautiful and much loved animal could be destroyed in such a way.
As it turned out. Tiger had been cat nabbed. He was clearly lined up for extinction for showing up around the poult pens. I think the consensus by the governing parties was to remove the cat, and re home him. Not on your nelly. Tiger and his family will re home themselves first! Tenant Farming on a shooting estate is what is says on the tin. Complicated.
Tiger needs to keep his head low and adjust his whiskers and stay home instead.
(thankyou for your positive very much helped!)
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