Growing old disgracefully



The view at the edge of our village that will be irretrievably lost if the developers win their case. The Reporter was out on a site visit today.  I am conflicted by the issue as I recognise the need for housing, but as long as we have brown sites to spare I feel we should not lose the precious narrow green ribbons between our urban spaces. 

It was hanging day in the gallery (AKA the kitchen).  The Prof and I are now more familiar with french cleats than any decent person should be.  It is the first piece (extra) I have wanted to display outside the studio and as soon as it was up I realised it was not finished, but then, according to Picasso, ' finish it means to be through with it, to kill it, to rid it of its soul – to give it its final blow...'.  Anyway, as it is hanging in the kitchen it will be easy to add the odd smear of tomato sauce or mustard where necessary. 

Met with my lovely friend Kay today.  We talk grandchildren and how, much as we love them, they get in the way of ever completing our writing.  It's a good problem to have. 

And on a final positive note, I got home to take the washing in before the storm broke. 

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