
By Lenore

The youngest

I would say the little-est, but he's not really very little, he's pretty robust.  This was him yesterday, sat on the sofa for his 'tv time',  feeling a bit sorry for himself as he's teething.  He ended up sleeping in our bed last night (not that we ever complain, it's like a secret little treat to have him snuggled up between us). 

We spent the morning at home, bit of gardening, a trip to the swings, bit of playing and a  few chores (me).  After afternoon sleep, we headed to Woolsthorpe, our local National Trust place, love it there.  I managed to get inside the house today - third visit and finally made it inside.  There's lots to play with and do, the eldest just loves it, even at 2, there is so much for a little mind to be entertained with.  

Managed to sew two whole lines of sewing this evening - making blinds is taking an awful lot of time, hopefully will have something up before winter sets in.  Once upon a (pre-children) time, I would reckon on a day to get one done.  

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