
By witchcreations


Yey!  I've finally finished my project for the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.

4 x Replica WWI fire service uniforms, resized to fit children, to become part of their museum outreach service.
This included Lancer Jackets, Trousers, Fire axe and Axe pouch.  The only thing I didn't make was the belt... more pictures here

It's taken about 215 hours to complete with a big hiatus in the middle of the project, when family life took precedence... so tomorrow I go and hand over  all the finished items, and send them off to be used and enjoyed by kids around Scotland.  

I'm looking forward to finally watching a film of an evening without having to simultaneously sew buttonholes  (a total of 56 hand stitched). I'm also hopefully going to have chance to catch up on all the other things I've been neglecting... 

But for now.. time to go to bed... 

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