Take me out to the ball game

A few chores this morning in town before going to Fargo included a drive through ATM and  a drop box out of the car for the library. We are behind the times in the UK!!! 
We went to Fargo, I got my case and then lunch a superb pancake, I didn't finish it all. Went to see the woodchipper in the Fargo visitor centre a character in the film Fargo (I haven't seen it!!!). They have a walk of fame, including Glenn Campbell, Neil Diamond and Jethro Tull that we walked around. Then off to the Red hawks baseball game. I actually enjoyed it and understood what was happening eventually. The fire alarm went off on the concourse and as we were walking back to the car we saw 2 fire engines speeding towards the field.
Tonight we had bangers and mash pizza at the local pizza place, don't think it will take off in the UK then played bingo at the Vets club. Am tired again tonight, so  am sure I will sleep really well again. 

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