Day four and the suns still shines

A slightly better night, but trying to get four people into a caravan sized double bed has a certain comedy element about it.

Up and headed into Tenby to spend holiday money. Munchie wanted the book when the crayons quit, William wanted a dinosaur book. Both achieved. We also ended up buying a train low loader with tractor, some fairy sparkle dust and a purse each. They definitely had fun spending their money. Lunch purchased and we headed to a dinosaur park.

It was erm.... different. Not sure how else to describe it. Apart from wobbles about a few rides the children went on everything they wanted to go on. Sadly wom went splat in the maze and ended up with two very grazed and bloody knees and two grazed and cut hands. Luckily I had antiseptic wipes and plasters but he was sad for the rest of the time there.

We headed back to base. Wom had a sleep, Munchie and daddy had a swim. Wom woke up, said he wanted a swim, got changed and to pool, he changed his mind

Drove to the chip place bought tea and headed back to amroth beach for delicious fish and chips on the beach. A splash on the waves and then back for warm showers.

Both in bed chatting now
Woms just said, charlatina, you're my best friend x

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