Highly Unsprung

By CynicalWench

You live here?

Yes, I'm one lucky mother country lover. The wind rippled crops swaying to and fro as they reach their glorious peak. Mesmerising. The harvester cant be far off in arriving now, along with the tractors and their trailers bouncing around on chunky tyres like fairground rides.

As beautiful as tonight's view was, on the way up through the forest, in the cool of the trees, it didn't feel cold but I did feel the first fleeting taste of icy coolness touch my face and it felt great. With it came a flash of the frosty mornings, the snow dusted trees, the crispness of ground underfoot, the open fire at home, all such goodies yet still to come in the darkness of winter ahead. But we've the glorious september days to come first, no matter what us pesky humans make unnecessary mischief about to distract us from the amazing seasonal changes happening all around us. Scotland has the most amazing seasons and with it comes the most amazing diversity of wildlife. We are lucky, but we mostly just don't realise, or we forget or we don't really see it, until we lose it, then we pay attention.

Time to get the coal ordered and the wood chopped.....Dave.

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