Fraggle Rock

By frisky

The Shiny

Eventually got Photoshop onto my Mac...

Now the iMac comes with iPhoto, which in itself is an extraordinary piece of free software (Which natively handles camera RAW image files), but as an Adobe fan I decided that I would get Photoshop, I have been messing around with it for a bit now and all I can say is WOW - It blows the PC version out the water (Maybe the new super quick computer helps).

Once you get over the differences between Windows and OS X the Mac is just better. (And if you get the Magic Mouse you can set it up to allow "right-clicking").

Yes, they cost a lot more than a PC, but for the build quality, the components used and the clarity of the monitor (Similar spec monitor for the PC would cost a small fortune in itself) they are more than worth it.

And did I mention how shiny & sleek it all is?

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