Spelt lofe orl rong.

It's spelt L.O.A.F.

The world is fraught with Pillocks, amongst whom I am to be numbered Chief.

Today it didn't rain. Now there's a thing.
Set off downtown sans camera yetagain.
Thinks..."What's that little black bunny doing there?" It was sufficiently realistic that we were almost past it before it revealed itself to be a small, black, possibly plastic, piece of rubbish nestling in the long grass by the road side.
Did the things required and returned by a different route. Took camera on a "bunny" hunt... somebody had tidied it.

Luckily I was clicking away on the walk out, and back.
Nice late rose, nuts (Not in May), a beaut of a "before" shot, Bummy macro, etc.

Having made my 1st bread for what seems like "Donkey's 'ears" I'd made a loaf before we left. Gaffer was boasting about it to "Ethel" when I remembered I'd over-salted it, to the tune of "100% extra, free".

THAT accounts for its somewhat flattish appearance.

We thought we'd give Spelt a try, Gaffer fell in love with it so I reckon another is on the cards soonish. WITH the correct proportions of "greediments" and mebbe a few seed chucked in for good measure.

Watch this space. As they say.

If you can't see the punny side ask a standup chameleon.

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