My Mini Adventure

By JJ46

Wilberforce Oak

This is the view from the Wilberforce Stone Seat in Keston, first erected in 1862 in memory of William Wilberforce and re-sited in 1987 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of his resolve to abolish the slave trade. Next to this dead tree is the remains of the ancient oak under which this resolve was made with William Pitt the younger, the landowner, in 1788. There is another oak tree planted next to that which is the tree equivalent of grandchild to the original!

We were in this area to meet up with one of my longest friends who is over from New Zealand to spend some time with her family, especially her dad who is currently having treatment for prostate cancer. Her parents have recently moved to a lovely flat around there. My friend T met L for the first time which was so lovely! We had tea and cake and fed the ducks at the pond too. A lovely way to spend a Saturday morning.

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