Eats, Shoots and Leaves
If you're going to send back an agreement to me, all nicely marked-up with changes you want me to make, and want to get down to the detail of placement of apostrophes, then you really had better make sure you're right about the apostrophe having to be there.
And you're not.
The combined might of two multinational banking giants and apparently we should stop working on a job if the Client decides that our, "employee's should cease work." To be honest this is probably a minor contract for them so I wouldn't be surprised if someone fairly junior had been given this for one last run through, and thought they'd better mark something up.
I'm not some sort of grammar policeman, and I'm perfectly aware that people make mistakes, but it's the very deliberate nature of this amendment, telling me that I've done something wrong, that made my smile.
Dan Quayle eat your heart out.
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