Flower of the Karo Tree
Scientific name: Pittosporum crassifolium
Common name: Karo or Turpentine tree
Maori names: Kaikaro, kihihi
Took myself off for a wander this morning, trying to wake myself up and to feel refreshed. Early last night I started sneezing and feeling not quite right, perhaps theres a 'spring cold' trying to sneak in.
(I'm really not myself, I just lost all of my words here and now I can't think straight - blow, haven't done that in a long while)
Tiny clustered flowers of the Karo tree were filling the air with their sweetly scented fragrance. Flowering through spring before forming seedheads filled with black shiny seeds to be dispersed in Autumn. The flowers provide nectar for our native birds. Although valued as a shelter tree, Karo appears to have had no specific usage by Maori, not even as firewood. The Karo tree can be found widespread throughout New Zealand and is classed as endemic.
Everyone enjoyed the 'teenage' cygnet yesterday, they really are quite pretty as their feathers change from grey to black and their beaks turning bright red. Warm thanks for your words, stars and hearts :))
Its been calm, cool with a high of 14C, a few thick clouds rolling by - at least the washing got dry.
Feeling quite tired and can barely keep my eyes open, perhaps I'll pop back later :)
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