Shand's Emporium

Today I went on a pilgrimage to Shand's Emporium, 88 Hereford Street, Christchurch. I found out only recently that it is still standing. I had assumed that it went with so many old buildings in the earthquake of February 22nd 2011.

Since finding out I have wanted to go and look, but I had no idea if it was possible. So much of the city is blocked off. I set out with fairly low expectations, but it was easily accessible. The old wooden store is standing alone after all the brick buildings around it have been demolished. It is enclosed in a high wire netting fence, which makes taking photos rather difficult. My wee compact did the best job.

On the left is the front of the store, with one side covered in black polythene. The back is on the right. You can see that the roof is held down by old tyres, and sycamore seedlings are coming up along the edge.

I remember this place from way back. More than forty years ago it would catch my eye as I went to the Post Office Savings Bank across the street. It was noticeable because it was small and made of wood. Then it was a bit dingy, but it was tarted up in 1977 and let as shops, meaning that it was open to the public. I loved to go in there, to poke about in the tiny rooms and climb the narrow staircase. For most of the period since it was done up it was occupied by an antique dealer and a store specializing in vintage clothing, both businesses being very appropriate for the store.

The house was built for John Shand in 1851, making it one of the earliest commercial properties in the city. The present owner has offered it free to anyone who will remove it and restore it.

Go large for more detail.

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