Sue Foll's picture of the day

By POD2008

Coeur du boeuf

The beef heart tomato is large, watery and resembles (unsurprisingly) the heart of a bull. Due to its size it's the sort of tomato you normally have sliced on your burger.

Mark is back staying with me for a couple of nights and so, to entertain me in my medically enforced confinement I have been devising new vegetarian recipes.

When I took Hollie and Mark out on The Town recently I was disappointed by the veggie options in mainstream restaurants. This inspires me to devise some of my own.

Tonights veggie dinner will be a burger meal based on Spanish tapas. Buns containing a large smoked cheese croqueta, accompanied by mild chipotle mayonnaise, onions, tomato, red pepper and salad.

In order to get more flavour from the insipid beef heart I sliced it then baked it in the oven with smoked garlic and a little oil and seasoning. This evaporates the water and intensifies the flavour.

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