Tree Huggers!
Well no not actually hugging a tree more estimating its girth. Staying with ArcaneSpark and family for the weekend. Saturday mornings scheduled activities for the kids was a scavenger hunt in the Ecclesall Woods. Where Granddad could start the part of their education that formal education doesn't usually cover. The wildlife and plants around them.
One thing which I was impressed with was the number and size of the Sweet Chestnut trees. The shot shows ArcaneSpark, D and Kanyl stretching round the trunk of one particularly large one. Clickychick is round the other side and they were only just touching fingers.
After that it was a visit to the library. I love their library, it is run by volunteers after the council nearly closed it. What In really like is they have two rooms of donated books (like you see in charity shops) these books are in almost new condition and cheap. It appears locals who buy them read them and then re-donate to the library. What a great scheme.
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