Depth Of Field Doodle

..... to coin a Hobbs phrase!

Mono Monday: Favourite Place

I decided I needed a day off from photography after all the Bournemouth Air Festival photos I've been taking over the past few days, so it's a dof doodle of the pan handles in my kitchen which happens to be in one of my favourite rooms at home, as I do enjoy cooking!

I'm all out of sync with my blips at the moment. I only blipped Friday's air show photos late yesterday evening because I had so many photos to sort through - there are 7 in extras, if you can face them!  Huge thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts from those of you who have already seen them! :) 

Hopefully, I'll blip yesterday's wash out later on today and then I'll be all up to date.....

First camera club meeting since the summer break this evening - looking forward to seeing everyone and the new season :))

Ann :))

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