Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle


Another day cookin' in the sun. By the pool this time. Finished reading "Bend It Like Bullard" and made a start on Frankie Boyle's "My Shit Life So Far". Both are very funny (in their own ways of course). I thoroughly recommend the autobiography on Jimmy Bullard, though the Frankie one does require an acquired taste, particularly if you can put up with the "c"word in triple figures (and that's the first chapter!). Meanwhile Tuttle jnr finished one of his books and Mrs Tuttle finished Sue Perkins' memoirs.

More infrared on the photo front: once you start, there's no stopping. There are two statues situated at the bottom of the pool which only encouraged me to click away some more. Tomorrow we'll be going to Alicante for the day. Farecast: Scorchio! 

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