As Promised...

By aspromised

Feeling the feels

So today has been a bit emosh..

I went to look round a couple of nurseries for Angus to go to when I start back at work whenever that may be *sad face* ... I wish time would slow down!

I also vacuum packed all of his tiny baby clothes to be stored away until next time..... *sad face*.

Although I am enjoying all of the new things he is learning and watching him try new tastes and textures.. here he is with some banana! (He loves it!!) I left a bit of skin on today so he could hold it.. it worked quite well!

You may have noticed the mark on his head..This is from stanley dog getting a bit carried away and jumping off the sofa on to Angus (by accident). I felt so awful and Angus really cried *sad face again*

I also think these sleepless nights and 2 hourly feeds are starting to take their toll on my emotions!!

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