In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Comedy of Errors

So. This coming weekend is taking on bad screen writing proportions.

What started out as a seedling of an idea of a quiet weekend in the country en famille, has grown into an international multilingual (French, German, Spanish, Japanese and Fife) group of 12 plus dog going off to try and spend a night in the last remaining 6 person cottage (absolute max 10 people according to THE RULES) (it'll be fine as long as we have beer) at a national country park in the middle of nowhere, which is run by the most anal retentive jobsworths I have ever encountered in Japan ( and believe me I have met a few anal retentive jobsworths in Japan!).
The potential for confusion and dismay was never low, but I was still feeling quite optimistic this morning, to the point of going and buying 3 sleeping bags for the occasion.

I should have known better. A look at the weather report shows a rather nasty looking typhoon heading straight for us. Peak of bad weather? That's right! Saturday night and Sunday, the day we wanted to spend in the park.

It's like something out of the Broons. That would be my moyher's comment.
Hence the photo of the bag my Aunty gave me last year.

Everyone will that typhoon to go to China, will you?

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