Shy bunny
She was fighting her way through...
Now that TallGirl gets to be in charge of her image, and can decide for herself if she is on blip/instagram/facebook, you might be seeing a bit more of her around here.
Vide grenier this morning - a fantastically successful one with lots of plants (palms and hellebores), DVDs and a lumpy wooden thing for a fish tank. Then a slightly less successful walk when place number one (around the lake) was deemed too potentially insect-ful, and place two was a bit short on length, if you see what I mean. Also TallGirl was feeling the pressure of a social engagement that was a mere two hours away.
A cooler day today; warm enough to have lunch and do some lounging around (I mean snoozing) outside, but not too hot for the bunnies to run about a bit too. (After TallGirl's trip out to the fair.)
TallGirl had a sudden pre-school panic this evening that she has no tracksuit bottoms which reach anywhere near her ankles (just yoga pants, which are apparently not right for outdoor sport), so Mr B suggested his old college kit (never worn*) and (astonishingly) I could direct Katherine to the exact box where they were to be found. And they fit. (Rabbit model's own)
Mr B had an able assistant in CarbBoy for kebab, rib and barbecue prep this afternoon (he is still canoe-injured) and then an early night for all with alarm clocks variously set for 5am (Mr B), 6.30am (TallGirl and me) and Tuesday (CarbBoy - milking the joyful fact that he doesn't start back at school until then).
*ok, twice.
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