Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

Today's been a day for my health. First the gym and a workout for little over an hour and then home, shower, change and a walk to the health clinic. I took a longer way because I wanted to walk passed the field of sunflowers and stop for a photo break. I managed to get to the clinic on time, with 10 minutes to spare. A bit stressed at one time because I only had an estimated time for the walk. A bit ironic to be stressed out when the appointment was for a cognitive-behavior therapy group session, for stress-related conditions. It was a really good session and I'm sure it's going to lead to good things for all of us in the group. It's also good to be amongst people that knows what this means, with stress and what it actually does to the body and the mind. 
The morning started, however, with me applying for my masters degree... I was actually shaking while doing this. It's been such a long time coming.

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