Life through the lens...

By ValC

Red sky at night!

"Shepherds delight"!
The sky was amazing 15 mins ago. Hope it means good weather tomorrow.

Today has been a good day for a change.
Awoke to the suns rays shining through the curtains. (As we are retired don't need to get up before dawn!)

Got loads of washing done early and out to dry.

We then went for a walk and picked some blackberries. Some to put with the apples for a pie, and some to make bramble jelly.
They weren't too good because of the wet weather, and my hands were stained purple when I got home.
It was so nice to get out, and feel warm in the sunshine.( No heating on either!)

( For those worried about my health, we had the last half of the bottle opened yesterday. So that's one bottle between two over two days! Hope that is within the guide lines!!)

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