Bud and Berries

Visited the folks again today. When I got there, I found my Dad had finally gone off to Horncastle to visit his brother. My Mum wouldn't go as she has always hated and despised my aunt, and last time she visited there, my Mum had a fall which she said my aunt laughed at and did nothing to help. My Dad says that was far from the case, but either way, my Mum has taken it as good reason never to darken their doors again. And this she remembers - if not exactly accurately...

When my Dad came home she asked him 1000 times if my aunt had asked where she was (which she had!) 

Anyway, I saw this flower on the edge of Harry the veg man's garden. I find very brightly coloured flowers harder to photograph than more subtly shaded ones.

I have the next episode of Jeremy Kyle work to look forward to tonight!

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