RSD Photo's SoCal Life

By rsdphotography

Miscelanea #4

This could be subtitled, miscelanea with a view. We drove up into the hills south of downtown after finishing breakfast with a recently returned friend. We have driven this neighborhood a few times in the past, our housekeeper lives up here and we have visited the area more than once for unique views of the city. My wife was helping me spot potentially interesting subjects and she saw this one overlooking the city down one of the side streets. It took a little work for me to get into a position where I could capture both shop and view. I think this shop owner wanted to keep the view all to himself because this miscelanea keeps all customers outside via bars. They ask for the products they want, the clerk retrieves them from the store's shelves and distributes them through a gap in the bars. A bit different, and more secure, than just wandering around finding what it is you want.

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