campervan man

By campervan

Very bad exchange rate

Yesterday I was trusted to do the washing all on my own. Yesterday the washing  machine stopped working. It showed an E18 error message so I looked it up on Google and it was a filter problem. As the instructions seemed straight forward I thought I would give it a go..........and I succeeded. I found the little door, I found the little pipe and I manually drained the machine. I then carefully removed the filter and cleaned it. I was quite a few coins richer and had several more short pieces of gardening wire and string. I then put it all back together and restarted the machine. It stopped at exactly the same point in the programme.
Courage failed me and I called a man who came out this morning. He complemented me on my efforts and repeated what I had already done. He however found one more coin that was stuck further up the pipe jamming something open or closed or something. It was the cause of the problem, he removed it and all is now working.
His call out fee was £55 and he gave me one 5 euro cent coin. As a sterling/euro exchange rate this is extremely poor. I hope to do better on my next trip to France.

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