As Promised...

By aspromised

We have a roller!

We've had a busy day today after another sleepless night.. we made it to swimming, A was a bit grizzly but once in the pool he was happy! This week he preferred being on his tummy and wasn't too keen on his back again.. the pool was also cooler this week!
He screamed the changing room down and was not happy to be getting dry! Then he had a 2.5 hour nap! If I'd have known it was going to be so long I'd have joined him.. however I got other jobs done around the house so i didnt feel too miffed!

This evening I laid A on his back on a towel for some no nappy time and popped to the kitchen to bring dinner through, when I came back he was on his front! So I put him on his back again and he rolled on to his front! I have noticed that after he has a big sleep he tends to wake and do something new! Exciting times!

Taste of the day: mashed banana again, only because I'm unorganised and didn't prepare anything else! He really loves it! We also gave him it later in the hope his tummy might feel fuller and he might sleep longer.. will let you know tomorrow if it worked!

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