Seat of Arthur

A crap night of sleep, coughing and spluttering. Took night nurse at 2 am which resulted in a zombie like walk this morning with Juno. We met up with one walker and his dog so we had company.

The Forth was calm, low cloud hugged the East Lothian hills and the clouds were superb.

Work was gold medal of goodness.

Great lunch with some pals.

Cycled home and tried to be positve towards the fellow road users. The lady who zoomed ahead and stopped in the red cycle box, I gave her a great view of my behind as I placed my back wheel as close to her bonnet as I could. Next the man who pulled out into the lane I was in, I blew him kisses of love.

Working from home tonight to prep for quarter end stats.

Maybe catch up with some dad in the street tonight or it is night nurse and an early night.

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