
By FarmerGirl


It's not often that we can say that Murchison has a problem with rush hour traffic, however today we can. Traffic came to a gridlock, when the Lewis Pass was shut again this morning, not from snow, but from a truck accident.

The Pass closed last night, due to snow, and reopened at 9am. It closed mid morning due to the truck accident. An hour later it was open to light vehicles, down to one lane. Towing vehicles and heavy vehicles were not allowed. Then it closed again early afternoon, presumably to get a crane in to move the truck, and all in this time the traffic was building.

Our Netball students were stuck in that traffic. They had trouble getting out of Hanmer Springs due to the amount of traffic trying to get from A to B. Sounds like an absolute nightmare!

The main problem of course is the fact that all traffic wanting to get to Christchurch have only one option to get there since the Kaikoura earthquake - and that's through Murchison. Not ideal, but hopefully the East Coast road will be ready to be opened by Christmas.

The weather has been appalling today. Wet and cold. We've put our wee calves inside a shed today, to protect them against this horrid weather. I'm sure they are appreciating the shelter.

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