Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back Blip - Matanuska

Having exhausted the sights of Anchorage we headed for Valdez. My travel agent thought we were bonkers, but John wanted to see the end of the Trans-Alaksa pipeline, so off we went. 

On the way we stopped at a fabulous reindeer farm and were able to go in with the animals to feed them. We then stopped at the Matanuska glacier, which it is possible to drive to but only on a private road which is like something Jeremy Clarkson and his cronies would attempt - and required the signing of some hefty disclaimers. It was worth it though, despite our lack of ice-grips. 

Then onto Valdez; to say it is the end of the line is an understatement. The snowiest place in the USA with an average snowfall of 25 feet, the residents are pretty hardy folk. It was destroyed by an earthquake in the 1960s and rebuilt, then it survived the horrendous oil spill in 1989. I don't think all that many Brits find their way there - someone told me I talked like I was in Downton Abbey - that would be the Yorkshire version! 

Pasta, beer and bed - not a whole lot else to do here, but we have an early boat trip into Prince William Sound to look forward to.

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