It's a Matter of Survival

The wild creatures as well, are beginning to show awareness of what's coming. I'm noticing changes in their behaviors. The Hummers were flying around like crazy last evening and today I haven't seen even one. I caught sight of a small Coral Snake but it very quickly left the path and hid itself. Then I spotted a rather large Black Racer snake. But it too ducked out of sight before I could go inside for my camera. I never see two different types of serpents like that. This Brown Anole was very curious and allowed me to get close for this shot. Most of my wild friends will hunker down and will survive Hurricane Irma. It's us humans I am worried about. But I believe that what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger! So...All Paws Crossed! :)
Sadly there is nothing positive to say about this approaching storm. I will say that I'm glad that I don't live on the coast. The price of living in paradise! As Irma crosses over the Florida Straits, the water between Florida and Cuba, she will suck up that very warm water and will become stronger.  Please keep those of us in Florida and eventually Georgia and the Carolinas in your thoughts and prayers. I apologize for not visiting your wonderful journals but things are very hectic here. 

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