
By PictuRed


Once more i feel like the villan of the peice. the boss said clear out all those spares and clutter if a customer needs a new part we can order it. so all of this pluss four more brand new wheels and four boxes of random spares salvaged from other bikes had to be "put beyond reasonable use" and given to the scrap man. this completly sickens me the pink bike has 1 spoke missing the orange and black one was a customers who didn't collect it after a repair and the umberella was left in store 3 months ago. when i think of how much joy the pink bike could bring to a child and how usefull some of these wheels would be if only they where allowed to be i can't help but feel angry about how wastefull we are.

As something fun to do take a guess how many wheels are there in total (look at the tags to find the answer)

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