Thistle whispers

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There's been loads of these this year, I'm not sure what they are, tiny moths is as far as I've got... they disappeared when it rained, but now they're back as it's got cooler & dryer, odd, & so many too & they seem to tolerate each other as well.

As for Larry, well, errrr, *giggles*

Mr Gorgeous

My mum has been with me everywhere today, I've never been left alone, last night I felt something solid at the end of my bed with my foot, not just solid, but warm & comforting at the same time. Today she was with me as I climbed the stairs. Today she was with my dad in their bedroom as he smelt her lovely sweet perfume she used to wear around him.... I was outside at the time so it couldn't have been me! I hope she stays, as I need her so much. xxx

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