Dark evenings

I had one of those days, today, which seemed to consist mostly of being in the car. I left Mark's promptly, the morning, to get up to Leicester, arriving with half an hour to spare, which was just as well as the meeting turned out to be at a different office. In then end, then, I arrived bang on time. 

It was an odd meeting, to be honest, and I was worried that I was wasting both my time and the time of the chap I was meeting but then, just as I was thinking about chugging the last of my coffee and finding a mutually acceptable way to make an exit, the meeting turned on a sixpence and ended up being really good.

And then it was back on the road to Chorley. I don't mind the driving, to be honest, although I don't enjoy the tedium of the motorway, so I took one of the alternative routes offered by Google - "21 minutes slower" - and enjoyed the countryside. 

I also enjoyed the surprisingly good new OMD album, "The Punishment Of Luxury". I find it encouraging that a lot of musicians whom I admire from my teens are still making interesting music (as opposed to simply cruising the nostalgia circuit). That said, I'm not sure what it is that it's encouraging me to do. Nothing creative at the moment, that's for sure.

Arriving at the Minx's house I grabbed a quick post-drive nap and then did a couple of hours work before walking to the David Lloyd place for a swim and a bite to eat with the Minx. She had the car but I still didn't have enough steps and opted to walk home. It wasn't that late but the evenings have suddenly drawn in and walking back along the canal seems a bit hazardous; one unexpected hiss from a lurking geese might see me leap into the water. 

So I walked back by a new route, meeting the Minx along the way, who'd arrived home and walked out to meet me. 

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