
By DancingAly

Shifting Gears

It was pretty hard to shift into work mode today. Grey gloom, and much darker than when I last got up for a workday. A sign of things to come.

We had a four hour training session on first aid which we'd asked for all year. The guy leading it was a bit of a prat, but it was very useful, and we got to practise CPR on the dummies on the floor.

We had another meeting after lunch and then time to prep for tomorrow. Fortunately as I haven't had to move rooms there wasn't really a lot to do. I was home by 3pm, to contemplate my life....

A lot of the excitement for the new year ahead is gone. I used to really look forward to it, now I'm a bit meh. 

It's really weird to have to go back into a work schedule again, where there's only a few hours to do everything. We've been a bit spoilt with the holidays really.

Oh, and having managed five submissions, I received my first rejection today! And I also didn't score any tickets to the Pro-dance pre-recording for Strictly! Well, at least the ticket draw hasn't closed yet!

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