
By ramblingrose


Hi there everyone. Not a very good day weather wise. It has been raining really hard on and off all day. We went to see my Son Andrew and girlfriend today. They have just moved out of their rented flat, into a 2 bedroom caravan, again rented, but only £330 per month! The flat was rather small, and Andrew had nowhere to park his Ambulance. ( He is a driving instructor to teach future Paramedics, etc)   This is his own business.
Also, Andrew works for his girlfriend's father, and instructs people to tow vehicles etc. So he has to have space to park a 4x4 and trailer, and the girlfriend's car too! So they needed somewhere with a bit of land.  They now hope to be able to put some money aside so they can afford to buy a house in the future.It is a really nice caravan..quite spacious inside. I loved it! Katrina cooked us a beautiful roast dinner. We had a truly wonderful afternoon/evening!
Thank you for following me
Take care.
Love Theresa.x
PS; I haven't had much time to take photos, but I did get my camera out and took a Macro shot of this very wet leaf.

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