A Small Spider Drama
If I had known my Pilates teacher hurt her ankle and wouldn't be teaching, I might have taken Ozzie for a walk instead.
If I had taken Ozzie for a walk I might have found a good blip. Instead, I went and sat in the hot tub. Not too many good blips there.
If I hadn't gotten the wrong time for my haircut last week, I wouldn't have had to reschedule it for today. Not too many good blips in a hair salon, well...actually there probably are, but I doubt if the subjects would be too thrilled about having their pictures posted on the internet.
If our neighbor hadn't had her tree trimmed, I wouldn't have noticed the dead branch which had fallen among our shrubs, and if I hadn't gone out to remove the dead branch I never would have seen the spider web attached to it.
If I hadn't fiddled around for awhile trying to figure out the perfect shot, I wouldn't have seen the second spider approaching from the lower left. While the spider in the middle of the web was clearly awaiting some prey, the intentions of the interloper were unclear....Perhaps I might go out in a while and see who is in the middle of the web now. That might provide a clue to this small garden mystery.
There is a Ray Bradbury story about how the course of history (or was it the universe?) was changed by a seemingly inconsequential action. We rarely have total control even if we think we do. I have been looking for a spiderweb to blip for ages. It must be karma that it presented itself when I wasn't even looking for it.
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