
By FionaRobinson

Another tomato..

Actually, it probably featured in yesterday's shot as well as today's.  It's sat on a piece of paper and plastic on the windowsill.

When I checked my phone (charging in the kitchen as usual) I discovered my sister had slipped down the stairs last night. Broken her leg in 4 places and now having surgery to plate it back together.  Obviously 2017 is destined to be the year my family really need the services of the NHS!  As she lives near London, and I'm in Manchester, there's not much practical support I can offer but my folks have spent their 51st wedding anniversary driving south to help with the kids over the next few days.

Have proved how little exercise I've done whilst J's been ill on a bike ride with some friends - though it does feel good to have blown some cobwebs away (and we even just about dodged the showers).

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