Rainy-day house

Moving boxes make the best play houses. Sebastien decided this was his house for rainy days and he built a fort from four boxes to use on sunny days.

He's been doing great at school, but starting school and moving all in the same month has taken its emotional toll on him, and while he is excited and happy about both, he does melt down a lot more often and spend a lot of time whining and uneasy--not his usual self.

He does have a lovely way of expressing his angst during his recent melt downs.
"Mommy, I want you to talk and not talk to me. Both of them. If you don't talk and not talk to me, then I won't stop crying."
"I want you to put me on the bench, but I don't want to tell you it."
"I will stop crying in a little bit, but right now I won't stop crying."
"If you don't stop talking to me, you won't be my mommy anymore. Why aren't you talking to me?"

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