Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Back Blip Exeter Cathedral

I am ploughing on with the back Blips - I can tell my workload was easing by now as I was taking more photographs.

Sarah and I had a few days in Plymouth. My stepdad had recently had a heart attack, and was on a new healthy diet. I took them to a whole food restaurant in Exeter, which caused all sorts of consternation - I am not sure they were ready for Bulgur Wheat..

There was a wedding at the cathedral - the bride walked in to Viva La Vida by Coldplay. Despite a long-standing loathing of Coldplay I had to admit it sounded rather good. We drove back across Dartmoor, and is always the way, got lost somewhere outside Widdecombe. So we had to stop for a cream tea - my step dad had wholemeal scones of course. 

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