
I wouldn't pay a single brass farthing for this instrument of the devil.Got made to go on one today and I didn't last 5 minutes. The bloody woman that was cranking it up said I was unfit! I bet she wouldn't last 5minutes if she were to wrestle a damn sheep to the ground and shear it then spend all day repeating that!  and she calls me un bloody fit! Two students in the room and doctor asks them in what circumstances could you likely kill someone by putting them on the thing! That was comforting to know! What was even more illuminating was they actually knew the answer !
Now got to go to the Jubilee hosp in Glasgow sometime for some other stupid procedure. Oh joy! Life was so much simpler on oats.
Todays figs
(am) 152/92 pulse 62
(pm) 150/88 pulse 63

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