Pie faced

Phew what a day.

We were up at 6.20am to walk the dogs. Both T&E were really good and didn't moan at all about having to go out so early. But when we got back Eva refused to tell me what she would like for brekky (she asked for soup and when I said no to that she just kept asking for lollipops). I lost my temper as we had a two hour drive ahead of us and I didn't want to have to stop and knew she'd be piping up she was hungry 5 mins up the road. She refused to get changed, to brush her teeth, to put her shoes on, to go to the toilet, to get in the car. She wasn't doing anything to help me today!

Got to mum's feeling really frazzled (after stopping 20 mins down the road so Eva could have a wee). Then it was a quick change and straight out to Artys 5th bday party. They had an entertainer there organising the games, one of which was pass the parcel/pie face. All the grown ups got had including mum pictured here. It was horrible but as you can imagine the children loved it!

After the party we popped in to see Rhian, my old school friend who is back from New Zealand to see her Mum for a few weeks. I've not seen her for about six years so it was lovely to catch up and properly meet her family (Henry and Maisie were tiny last time we met). But it was quite rushed. See extra pic of us all.

Had an hour or so back at the farm for a dog walk before having to argue the kids back into the car. We had to turn back twice for forgotten items (lots of screaming from Eva!) and I had cats to feed and the horses to do so we didn't get home till 7.30pm and the kids still needed to eat. Was hoping to get Eva into bed a little earlier so she can cope better with school. Think she's overtired and that's why she's being a little madam! Mike home soon after is very tired as achey after his bike trip to the lakes.

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