Busy day.
Work, shopping, packing, taxi-ing kids, dropping off rabbits (at a goose and duck farm!) and finally - slightly late and stressed - off to Blagnac.
Some extreme driving (so unlike me) got us there on time, we were booked into the closest carpark, security was empty... And relax... No. Indeterminate delay. Hmmm.
Actually in the end it was only 50 minutes, but that was enough to put us well out of reach of the last train from Gatwick. So, a taxi and, unlike previous journeys, we had an efficient, safe driver who got that I didn't want to chat but just wanted to get where I was going.
Mr B was in an unusually chatty mood (though next morning he blamed all the chat on me) so it was past 3 (French time) when I finally grateful sank my head onto a pillow...
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