Home bunnies
A sleepy start for us all this morning - though the kids did way better than I was expecting.
I set too and completed my yoga session... but the 'feel your core' bits just left me feeling a bit sick and wobbly - so I headed back to bed for a bit! Then later, lots of work, washing (excellent drying day!), dinner and bed. Was supposed to be an early night but calling my mam and catching up on blip (backblips from Friday on) seem to have intervened!
We had to pick the bunnies up this afternoon - from TallGirl's friend who lives on a bird farm (fowl farm? poultry farm?) and they seem to have behaved themselves. They seem happy to be home with a bit more space to run around. We're lucky that they're ok sharing one cage for these times when we're away, makes them much more welcome as houseguests I think.
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