Seventy Seven

By 77



After our trip on many trains up to Sapporo yesterday, we had today to explore the city.

In what in hindsight is starting to look like a theme, we went out of the city center a bit to the Sapporo brewery and museum, drawn by talk of beer halls etc.

The museum was quite interesting but mostly in Japanese and the beer understandably excellent.

Both L and I like Sapporo - it's much more approachable than Tokyo - there's only 1 main central area, everything is fairly logically laid out and it's all walkable. It certainly doesn't feel like it's 5 times the size of Edinburgh (approaching 2M people).

Dinner was an all-you-can-eat type place in the station building - all very nice, but the provision of peach schnapps on the all-you-can-drink counter was unexpected. Suffice to say I was sent back to look again for the white wine...

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