Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

Tiny Tuesday: Gone to Seed

I walked around the yard with my camera shooting everything that was tiny and green and this was my favorite shot.  I like the frilly pink surrounding the seeds.  Many thanks to Loisbiz for hosting the challenge this month!

I managed to get everything done at home and the trailer packed so we will be leaving for Lake Granby in the morning.  We're looking forward to seeing early fall colors at the higher altitude.  I'll be posting a day behind while I'm there, starting with tomorrow's blip on Thursday.  That way I don't have to spend my evenings going through photos.  I tried to catch up with everyone today because I'll be turning off my comments for a few weeks again while I'm gone.  I'll still be visiting your journals and sprinkling stars and hearts, though.  :-))  

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