A Day At A Time.

By ElCid

Royal Visit Day 1

After picking Mum and my sister up at Edinburgh Airport at midnight, it meant a late start to the first day.

We did a tour of Berwick and stopped off for essential supplies at Boots (deoderant, tissues, you know the sort of thing). Paused in Tweedmouth to survey the mouth of the Tweed (obviously!).

Then on to Duns for lunch at Hugo's, which was very good indeed.

Finally arrived at Crunklaw about 2:30 and chatted for a while, walked His Nibs (sister only), had a nice cup of tea (is there any other kind?) and will shortly be preparing for my friends Paul and Jean to arrive for dinner.

The sun has blessed us with an appearance by Royal Command and long may it continue.

Hope you all have a fab weekend.

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