Mum and Dad in Toyota, my rebirth.

The Beatles - Got To Get You Into My Life

Bringing my folks to Toyota was like showing them my new origins, even though THEY are my origins. Giving them the experience of where I brought out new life within myself was brilliant. Thank you for my friends who took me there and taking the time to show them the love.

Thank you Mum and Dad for introducing The Beatles to me. Mum, throughout your pain and suffering I was able to find life through the Beatles, and thank you Dad for playing the White Album non-stop on every trip to the hospital. The Beatles gave me life and you showed them to me.

Dad also sang this on TV in Melbourne during the 70s on a talent contest. He doesn't need a TV show to tell him he's talented. His life and his music speak for itself. Thank you for giving me the joy of music.

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