The Radish Diaries

By Radish

MM190: Auxiliary Host

As I think you all know by now, the Wretched One is inordinately lazy, so she has prevailed upon me to take a look at the entries for MM190 and give out some hearts.

I was hoping for some inspirational poems about suffering with dignity, or perhaps ones with tips on escaping canine servitude, at the very least some verse about sausages....but I've been disappointed.  So I've picked out what are to my mind the best images regardless of the lack of gourmet content.

Feathers for Blue's Story (Every Dog's Story - Mary Oliver) 
Suejay50 for Daisy Daisy
Julez for an untitled image celebrating The Rainy Day by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Doingok for As Long As Forever ( think I saw a tear in the Wretched One's eye when she was reading this one)
Jensphotos for her Favourite Poem (The Lady of Shalott)
Kagsy for her Rudyard Kipling fragment from The Power of the Dog


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